Saturday, October 12, 2013

Disease Hemorrhoids ( Piles )

Hemorrhoids , often called piles ( in English or Latin and the language is called Hemorrhoid medicine Piles ) is a disease or disorder in which Sphinchter Ani anus anus or mouth , swollen which is sometimes accompanied by bleeding .Swelling or inflammation according to Dr . Ir . Raffi Paramawati , M.Sc. is the protection of the white blood cells from infection by foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses . The symptoms are pain , redness , heat , swelling , and interference with normal body functions .Signs of hemorrhoids or hemorrhoid sufferers are makroskopik include :

  1.     Red ( rubor ) due to an increase in local blood circulation inflammation and vasodilation of     capillaries . 
  2.     Heat ( calor ) caused due to an increase in local blood circulation inflammation . 
  3.     Swelling ( tumor ) caused by the presence of inflammatory exudate in the network area . 
  4.     Pain ( dolor ) is caused by substances such as inflammatory mediators histamina and the pressure on the network by exudate . 
  5.     Red ( rubor ) due to an increase in local blood circulation inflammation and vasodilation of   capillaries . 
  6.     Swelling ( tumor ) caused by the presence of inflammatory exudate in the network area .